man and woman eating in diner

100 most common Spanish Verbs

100 most common spanish verbsHola! Check out our list of the 100 most common Spanish verbs:

Learn this list of the 100 most common Spanish verbs and you will be well on your way to fluency!

aceptar = to accept

permitir/dejar = to allow

preguntar = to ask

creer = to believe

prestar = to borrow

romper = to break

traer = to bring

comprar = to buy

poder = to can/be able

cancelar = to cancel

cambiar = to change

limpiar = to clean

peinar = to comb

quejarse = to complain

toser = to cough

contar = to count

cortar = to cut

bailar = to dance

dibujar = to draw

beber = to drink

conducir = to drive

comer = to eat

explicar = to explain

caerse = to fall

llenar = to fill

encontrar = to find

terminar = to finish

caber = to fit

reparar = to fix

volar = to fly

olvidar = to forget

dar = to give

ir = to go

* tener = to have

oir = to hear

dañar, herir = to hurt

saber/conocer = to know

aprender = to learn

* salir/marcharse = to leave

escuchar = to listen

vivir = to live

mirar = to look

perder = to lose

hacer = to make/do

necesitar = to need

abrir = to open

cerrar = to close/shut

organizar = to organize

pagar = to pay

jugar = to play

poner = to put

llover = to rain

leer = to read

responder = to reply

correr = to run

decir = to say

ver = to see

vender = to sell

enviar = to send

firmar = to sign

cantar = to sing

sentarse = to sit

dormir = to sleep

fumar = to smoke

hablar = to speak

deletrear = to spell

gastar = to spend

ponerse de pie = to stand

comenzar = to start/begin

estudiar = to study

tener exito = to succeed

nadar = to swim

* tomar = to take

hablar = to talk

enseñar = to teach

decir = to tell

pensar = to think

traducir = to translate

viajar = to travel

intentar = to try

apagar = to turn off

encender = to turn on

escribir a máquina = to type

entender = to understand

utilizar/usar = to use

esperar = to wait

despertar = to wake up

querer/desear = to want

mirar = to watch

trabajar = to work

preocuparse = to worry

escribir = to write






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