Learning basic Japanese words will make your language-learning journey much easier.
Raise your hand if you’ve started learning Japanese but are struggling with vocabulary! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Last year, I started learning Japanese, and one of the things I’ve struggled with the most as a beginner is remembering vocabulary words.
With time, I realized that using different categories would help me learn basic Japanese words that would help me do simple things with the language. From saying hello, to naming my favorite food. Learning basic Japanese words made my learning journey much easier.
So today I thought I would share some of the basic Japanese words I’ve learned, so that you can learn them and use them too! I’ve divided them into different categories, so you can learn the words that will be the most useful to you depending on your needs.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!
Essential phrases and words
- Hai (はい): Yes
- Iie(いいえ): No
- Onegaishimas (おねがいします): Please
- Wakarimasen (わかりません): I don’t understand
- Namae wa nan des ka ( 名前はなんですか): What is your name?
- Arigatoo Gozaimas (ありがとうございます): Thank you
- Sumimasen (すみません): Excuse me/ I am sorry
- Konnichiwa (こんにちは): Hello
- Sayonara (さようなら): Goodbye
- Ohayoo gozaimas (おはようございます): Good morning
- Kon’nichiwa (こんにちは) : Good Afternoon
- Konbanwa (こんばんは): Good evening
Dates and time
Days of the week
- Getsuyoobi (月曜日): Monday
- Kayoobi (火曜日): Tuesday
- Suiyoobi (水曜日): Wednesday
- Mokuyoobi (木曜日): Thursday
- Kinyoobi (金曜日): Friday
- Doyoobi (土曜日): Saturday
- Nichiyoobi (日曜日): Sunday
- Ichigatsu (一月): January
- Nigatsu (二月): February
- Sangatsu (三月): March
- Shigatsu (四月): April
- Gogatsu (五月): May
- Rokugatsu (六月): June
- Shichigatsu (七月): July
- Hachigatsu (八月): August
- Kugatsu (九月): September
- Juugatsu (十月): October
- Juuichigatsu (十一月): November
- Juunigatsu (十二月): December
Time words and phrases
- Kyoo (今日): Today
- Kinoo (昨日): Yesterday
- Ashita (明日): Tomorrow
- Konshuu (今週): This week
- Senshuu (先週): Last week
- Raishuu (来週): Next week
- Kongetsu (今月): This month
- Sengetsu (先月): Last month
- Raigetsu (来月): Next month
- Kotoshi (今年): This year
- Kyonen (去年): Last year
- Rainen (来年): Next year
- Ichi-ji: 1 o’clock
- Ni-ji: 2 o’clock
- San-ji: 3 o’clock
- Yon-ji: 4 o’clock
- Go-ji: 5 o’clock
- Roku-ji: 6 o’clock
- Nana-ji: 7 o’clock
- Hachi-ji: 8 o’clock
- Ku-ji: 9 o’clock
- Juu-ji: 10 o’clock
- Juu-ichi-ji: 11 o’clock
- Juu-ni-ji: 12 o’clock
Numbers 1-10
- Ichi (いち): One
- Ni (に): Two
- San (さん): Three
- Shi (し): Four
- Go (ご): Five
- Roku (ろく): Six
- Shichi (しち): Seven
- Hachi (はち): Eight
- Kyu (きゅう): Nine
- Juu (じゅう): Ten
- Ao (青): Blue
- Kiiro (黄色): Yellow
- Aka (赤): Red
- Midori (緑): Green
- Orenji (オレンジ): Orange
- Murasaki (紫): Purple
- Pinku (ピンク): Pink
- Chairo (茶色): Brown
- Kuro (黒): Black
- Shiro (白): White
- Tomodachi(友達): Friend
- Kazoku(家族): Family
- Otoo-san(お父さん): Father
- Okaa-san(お母さん): Mother
- Oni-san(お兄さん): Older brother
- Onee-san(お姉さん): Older sister
- Otooto(弟): Younger brother
- Imooto(妹): Younger sister
- Kareshi (彼氏): Boyfriend
- Kanojo(彼女): Girlfriend
- Otoko-no-hito(男の人): Man
- Onna-no-hito(女の人): Woman
- Byouin (病院): Hospital
- Ginkou (銀行): Bank
- Keisatsusho (警察署):Police Station
- Yubinkyoku (郵便局): Post office
- Konbini (コンビニ): Convenience store
- Supaa(スーパー): Grocery store
- Pan ya (パン屋): Bakery
- Kuukou (空港): Airport
- Bas-tei(バス停): Bus stop
- Hoteru (ホテル): Hotel
Now You Know Japanese Too!
Congrats! Now you’ve learned 100 basic Japanese words! These everyday use words will help you understand a simple conversation. So whether you’re traveling to Japan or just practicing with a friend, try using these easy Japanese words to communicate. You’ll see how easy it is!
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