Drinks and Beverages Vocabulary in Spanish

Exploring Drinks and Beverages Vocabulary in Spanish

If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, then you need to learn drinks and beverages vocabulary in Spanish. The good news is that you’re in the best place to learn all about them!

Learning a new language entails not only grammar and pronunciation but also being acquainted with common vocabulary. Drinks and beverages are an integral part of vocabulary. Whether you’re ordering a coffee at a café, drinking a cocktail at a bar, or simply hydrating with water, understanding the proper Spanish terminology can improve your experience and communication. 

This blog post will go over the vocabulary for various drinks and beverages in Spanish, including both non-alcoholic and alcoholic options, as well as important drinking-related verbs and example sentences to help you put these terms into perspective.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Drinks and Beverages Vocabulary in Spanish

Non-alcoholic Drinks

Non-alcoholic beverages are a staple in daily life, from morning coffee to evening tea. Here’s a comprehensive list of non-alcoholic drinks in Spanish:

English Spanish
Water Agua
Coffee Café
Juice Jugo/Zumo
Soda Cola/Gaseosa
Milk Leche
Milkshake/Smoothie Batido
Hot Chocolate Chocolate Caliente
Mineral Water Agua Mineral
Lemonade Limonada
Coconut Water Agua de Coco
Iced Tea Té Helado/Té frío
Milk Coffee Café con Leche
Orange Juice Jugo/Zumo de Naranja
Apple Juice Jugo/Zumo de Manzana
Almod Milk Leche de Almendra
Soy Milk Leche de Soja

Alcoholic Drinks

Knowing the names of alcoholic beverages in Spanish can come in handy at social events and festivities. Here are some common alcoholic beverages:

English Spanish
Beer Cerveza
Wine Vino
Red Wine Vino Tinto
White Wine Vino Blanco
Rosé Wine Vino Rosado
Tequila Tequila
Whiskey Whisky
Rum Ron
Vodka Vodka
Gin Gin
Liqueur Licor
Champagne Champán
Craft Beer Cerveza Artesanal
Cider Sidra

Drinking-Related Verbs

Understanding verbs related to drinking will help you form complete and meaningful sentences. Here are some essential drinking-related verbs in Spanish:

English Spanish
To Drink Beber
To Drink Tomar
To Serve Servir
To Pour Verter
To Order Pedir
To Toast Brindar
To Taste Probar
To Prepare Preparar
To Chill Enfriar
To Mix Mezclar
To Shake Agitar
To Taste/To Savor Degustar
To Bottle Envasar
To Ferment Fermentar
To Dilute Diluir
To Add Añadir

Example Sentences

To further solidify your understanding, here are some more example sentences using the vocabulary from above:

  1. ¿Quieres un batido de fresa o de chocolate? (Do you want a strawberry or chocolate milkshake?)
  2. El té verde es mi favorito. (Green tea is my favorite.)
  3. Me gustaría un vaso de agua. (I would like a glass of water.)
  4. El jugo de naranja es muy refrescante. (Orange juice is very refreshing.)
  5. Voy a beber agua. (I’m going to drink water.)
  6. Después del trabajo, vamos a tomar unas cervezas. (After work, we’re going to have some beers.)
  7. El ron con cola es una bebida popular en las fiestas. (Rum with coke is a popular drink at parties.)
  8. ¿Puedes servir más vino, por favor? (Can you pour more wine, please?)
  9. Quiero probar ese licor nuevo. (I want to try that new liqueur.)
  10. Una copa de vino tinto, por favor. (A glass of red wine, please.)

Let’s Go Drinking!

Mastering the drinks and beverages vocabulary in Spanish will help you speak more effectively in a variety of social and everyday contexts. From purchasing your favorite non-alcoholic beverage to toasting with friends, these terminology and phrases will make you feel more confident and connected. 

Practice using these words and phrases in context, and you’ll soon find it easy to discuss your drink preferences in Spanish. ¡Salud! (Cheers!)

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