Understanding the fruits and vegetables vocabulary in Spanish is about more than just learning words; it’s about expanding your language skills, improving your communication abilities, and broadening your cultural knowledge.
Whether you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking nation, going shopping at a local market, or simply improving your language skills, this guide will help you navigate the world of fruits and vegetables in Spanish.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!
Fruits Vocabulary in Spanish
In this section, we’ll look at a comprehensive list of common fruits and their Spanish translations. Each fruit will be accompanied by its pronunciation, allowing you to talk confidently.
English | Spanish |
Apple | Manzana |
Banana | Plátano/Banano |
Orange | Naranja |
Strawberry | Fresa |
Pineapple | Piña |
Grape | Uva |
Watermelon | Sandía |
Mango | Mango |
Lemon | Limón |
Peach | Melocotón |
Cherry | Cereza |
Pear | Pera |
Pomegranate | Granada |
Fig | Higo |
Raspberry | Frambuesa |
Blueberry | Arándano |
Papaya | Papaya |
Guava | Guayaba |
Coconut | Coco |
Mandarin | Mandarina |
Veggies Vocabulary in Spanish
This part covers a comprehensive list of vegetables in Spanish, complete with their English equivalents.
English | Spanish |
Carrot | Zanahoria |
Potato | Papa |
Tomato | Tomate |
Lettuce | Lechuga |
Spinach | Espinaca |
Zucchini | Calabacín |
Onion | Cebolla |
Garlic | Ajo |
Broccoli | Brócoli |
Cauliflower | Coliflor |
Bell pepper | Pimiento |
Cucumber | Pepino |
Eggplant | Berenjena |
Pea | Chícharo |
Corn | Maíz |
Mushroom | Champiñón |
Beet | Remolacha |
Artichoke | Alcachofa |
Celery | Apio |
Fruits and Veggies Verbs
Here are some essential verbs related to fruits and vegetables:
English | Spanish |
To harvest | Cosechar |
To peel | Pelar |
To cut | Cortar |
To wash | Lavar |
To cook | Cocinar |
To eat | Comer |
To plant | Plantar |
To water | Regar |
To sow | Sembrar |
To buy | Comprar |
Example Sentences
To help you practice, here are a few example sentences using the vocabulary we’ve covered:
- Me gusta comer sandía en verano. (I like to eat watermelon in the summer.)
- Mi abuela hace una sopa de tomate deliciosa. (My grandmother makes a delicious tomato soup.)
- El agricultor está cosechando las uvas esta semana. (The farmer is harvesting the grapes this week.)
- Vamos a plantar algunas zanahorias en el jardín. (We are going to plant some carrots in the garden.)
- Compré un calabacín en el mercado ayer. (I bought a zucchini at the market yesterday.)
- Voy a cosechar algunas manzanas en el huerto. (I’m going to harvest some apples in the orchard.)
- Necesito pelar las zanahorias antes de cocinarlas. (I need to peel the carrots before cooking them.)
- Corta las fresas en trozos pequeños para la ensalada. (Cut the strawberries into small pieces for the salad.)
- La ensalada está hecha con lechuga, tomate, y pepino frescos. (The salad is made with fresh lettuce, tomato, and cucumber.)
- Compré algunas peras y plátanos en el mercado hoy. (I bought some pears and bananas at the market today.)
Let’s Practice Spanish!
Learning fruits and veggies vocabulary in Spanish is an important step in mastering the language. It not only improves your ability to communicate effectively but also deepens your appreciation for Spanish-speaking cultures and cuisines.
Practice using these words in context to enhance your language skills and enjoy exploring the rich variety of fruits and vegetables that the Spanish-speaking world has to offer.
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