We’ve written a grammar guide about the “escribir” conjugation in Spanish just for you!
Escribir is the Spanish verb for “to write”. It is an irregular verb, which means its conjugations do not always follow the standard patterns found in regular verbs.
Whether you’re a beginner in Spanish or looking to fine-tune your language skills, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the irregular beauty of “escribir” with confidence and ease. Let’s dive in and enhance your Spanish language proficiency, one verb at a time.
“Escribir” Conjugation Indicative / Indicativo
The indicative tense (el modo indicativo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The indicative mood is used to make factual statements, ask questions, and express opinions about actions or events that are considered real or certain.
Present Tense Escribir Conjugation / Presente
The present tense is used to describe actions happening in the present or to express general truths or habitual actions.
Yo | Escribo |
Tú | Escribes |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribe |
Nosotros | Escribimos |
Vosotros | Escribís |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escriben |
- Yo escribo un correo electrónico todos los días. (I write an email every day.)
- Tú escribes cartas muy bonitas a tus amigos. (You write very nice letters to your friends.)
- Él escribe cuentos fantásticos. (He writes fantastic stories.)
Simple Past Escribir Conjugation / Pasado
The simple past tense (preterite) is used to describe completed actions in the past, often with specific time frames or events.
Yo | Escribí |
Tú | Escribíste |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribió |
Nosotros | Escribimos |
Vosotros | Escribisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribieron |
- Ayer escribí una carta a mi abuela. (Yesterday I wrote a letter to my grandmother.)
- Nosotros escribimos un poema juntos. (We wrote a poem together.)
- Vosotros escribisteis una tarjeta de cumpleaños para mí. (You all wrote a birthday card for me.)
Imperfect Escribir Conjugation / Imperfecto
Spanish imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing, repeated, or habitual actions in the past, as well as to set the stage or provide background information
Yo | Escribía |
Tú | Escribías |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribía |
Nosotros | Escribíamos |
Vosotros | Escribíais |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribían |
- Ellos escribían cuentos cortos cuando eran niños. (They used to write short stories when they were children.)
- Ella escribía en su diario todas las noches antes de dormir. (She used to write in her diary every night before sleeping.)
- Nosotros escribíamos postales durante nuestras vacaciones en la playa. (We used to write postcards during our beach vacations.)
Present Continuous / Presente Continuo
The present continuous tense (also known as “estar + gerundio”) is used to describe actions that are currently happening in the present moment or to express temporary situations.
Yo | Estoy escribiendo |
Tú | Estás escribiendo |
Él/Ella/Usted | Está escribiendo |
Nosotros | Estamos escribiendo |
Vosotros | Estáis escribiendo |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Están escribiendo |
- ¿Qué estás escribiendo en tu cuaderno? (What are you writing in your notebook?)
- Nosotros estamos escribiendo un ensayo para la clase de literatura. (We are writing an essay for literature class.)
- Vosotros estáis escribiendo una carta de recomendación para vuestro amigo. (You all are writing a recommendation letter for your friend.)
Future Tense Escribir Conjugation / Futuro
The Spanish future tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future, indicating something that has not yet occurred.
Yo | Escribiré |
Tú | Escribirás |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribirá |
Nosotros | Escribiremos |
Vosotros | Escribiréis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribirán |
- Mañana escribiré una historia corta para el concurso literario. (Tomorrow I will write a short story for the literary contest.)
- El próximo fin de semana escribiremos una carta de agradecimiento a nuestros vecinos. (Next weekend we will write a thank-you letter to our neighbors.)
- Ellos escribirán un artículo sobre el cambio climático para el periódico local. (They will write an article about climate change for the local newspaper.)
Conditional Escribir Conjugation / Condicional
The conditional tense is used to express hypothetical or speculative actions or events that would happen under certain conditions in the present or future.
Yo | Escribiría |
Tú | Escribirías |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribiría |
Nosotros | Escribiríamos |
Vosotros | Escribiríais |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribirían |
- Si tuvieras más tiempo, ¿escribirías un libro? (If you had more time, would you write a book?)
- Usted escribiría una carta de recomendación para su mejor empleado. (You would write a recommendation letter for your best employee.)
- ¿Ustedes escribirían un informe detallado sobre el proyecto? (Would you all write a detailed report about the project?)
Present Perfect / pretérito perfecto compuesto
Spanish present perfect tense (also known as “pretérito perfecto compuesto”) is used to express actions that have occurred in the past but have a connection to the present, emphasizing the result or consequences of those actions.
Yo | He escrito |
Tú | Has escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Ha escrito |
Nosotros | Hemos escrito |
Vosotros | habéis escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Han escrito |
- He escrito un poema para mi pareja por su cumpleaños. (I have written a poem for my partner’s birthday.)
- Nosotros hemos escrito una carta de agradecimiento a nuestros profesores. (We have written a thank-you letter to our teachers.)
- Vosotros habéis escrito un ensayo muy interesante sobre la historia del arte. (You all have written a very interesting essay about art history.)
Past Perfect Escribir Conjugation / Pretérico Pluscuamperfecto
Spanish past perfect tense (also known as “pretérito pluscuamperfecto”) is used to describe actions that occurred before another past action or event, expressing a past-in-the-past relationship.
Yo | Había escrito |
Tú | Has escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Ha escrito |
Nosotros | Hemos escrito |
Vosotros | habéis escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Han escrito |
- ¿Has escrito la lista de compras para el supermercado? (Have you written the grocery shopping list?)
- Ella ha escrito un poema para su madre en su cumpleaños. (She has written a poem for her mother on her birthday.)
- Nosotros hemos escrito un informe detallado sobre el proyecto de investigación. (We have written a detailed report on the research project.)
Future Perfect / Futuro Perfecto
The Spanish future perfect tense is used to express actions that will have been completed in the future, indicating an action that will be finished before another specified future time or event.
Yo | Habré escrito |
Tú | Habrás escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Habrá escrito |
Nosotros | Habremos escrito |
Vosotros | Habréis escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Habrán escrito |
- Para la próxima semana, habré escrito mi ensayo completo. (By next week, I will have written my complete essay.)
- Para la hora del almuerzo, ella habrá escrito todas las cartas de agradecimiento. (By lunchtime, she will have written all the thank-you letters.)
- Para la fecha límite, ellos habrán escrito los informes para el proyecto. (By the deadline, they will have written the reports for the project.)
Conditional Perfect / Condicional Perfect
The conditional perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or speculative actions that would have been completed in the past, indicating an action that would have happened prior to another past event.
Yo | Habría escrito |
Tú | Habrías escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Habría escrito |
Nosotros | Habríamos escrito |
Vosotros | Habríais escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Habrían escrito |
- Si hubieras tenido más tiempo, habrías escrito una novela completa. (If you had had more time, you would have written a complete novel.)
- Él habría escrito un artículo excelente si le hubieran dado la oportunidad. (He would have written an excellent article if they had given him the chance.)
- Ellas habrían escrito un informe detallado si les hubieran dado más datos. (They would have written a detailed report if they had been given more data.)
“Escribir” Conjugation Subjunctive / Subjuntivo
The subjunctive tense (el modo subjuntivo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, subjectivity, emotion, and hypothetical situations.
Present Tense / Presente
The Spanish subjunctive present tense is used to express subjective actions, desires, doubts, recommendations, or possibilities, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, necessity, or influence.
Yo | Escriba |
Tú | Escribas |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escriba |
Nosotros | Escribamos |
Vosotros | Escribáis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escriban |
- Escribamos una carta de agradecimiento juntos. (Let’s write a thank-you letter together.)
- Vosotros escribid un mensaje de felicitación para el cumpleaños de Juan. (You all write a congratulatory message for Juan’s birthday.)
- Escriban un poema corto sobre la naturaleza para el concurso de poesía. (Write a short poem about nature for the poetry contest.)
Imperfect / Imperfecto
This tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, uncertainty, or unreal conditions.
Yo | Escribiera |
Tú | Escribieras |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribiera |
Nosotros | Escribiéramos |
Vosotros | Escribierais |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribieran |
- Si yo fuera tú, escribiríais una carta formal de disculpa. (If I were you, you would write a formal letter of apology.)
- Preferiría que tú escribieras un cuento para el concurso literario. (I would prefer that you write a story for the literary contest.)
- Me gustaría que él escribiera un artículo sobre economía para la revista. (I would like him to write an article about economics for the magazine.)
Future Tense / Futuro
The Spanish subjunctive future tense is used to express hypothetical or uncertain actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the future.
Yo | Escribiere |
Tú | Escribieres |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escribiere |
Nosotros | Escribiéremos |
Vosotros | Escribiereis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escribieren |
- Si tú escribieres una carta formal, seguro que te escucharán. (If you were to write a formal letter, they would surely listen to you.)
- Cuando ella escribiere el informe, lo revisaré para asegurarme de que esté completo. (When she writes the report, I will review it to make sure it’s complete.)
- Espero que ellos escribieren un mensaje claro y conciso para el público. (I hope they write a clear and concise message for the public.)
Present Perfect / Pretérito Perfecto
Spanish subjunctive present perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the present with a connection to the past, indicating actions that would have been completed prior to the present moment.
Yo | Haya escrito |
Tú | Hayas escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Haya escrito |
Nosotros | Hayamos escrito |
Vosotros | Hayáis escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Hayan escrito |
- Es importante que él haya escrito la carta antes de la reunión. (It’s important that he has written the letter before the meeting.)
- Espero que hayas escrito la lista de tareas pendientes. (I hope you have written the list of pending tasks.)
- Dudo que ella haya escrito el informe a tiempo. (I doubt she has written the report on time.)
Past Perfect / Pretérico Pluscuamperfecto
Spanish subjunctive past perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past with a connection to a previous past event, indicating actions that would have been completed before that past event.
Yo | Hubiera escrito |
Tú | Hubieras escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Hubiera escrito |
Nosotros | Hubiéramos escrito |
Vosotros | Hubierais escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Hubieran escrito |
- Si hubieras escrito la propuesta antes, habríamos tenido más tiempo para revisarla. (If you had written the proposal earlier, we would have had more time to review it.)
- Ojalá hubiéramos escrito la carta de agradecimiento a tiempo. (I wish we had written the thank-you letter on time.)
- Sería mejor que hubierais escrito las instrucciones más claras desde el principio. (It would have been better if you all had written the instructions clearer from the start.)
Future Perfect / Futuro Perfecto
The future perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the future with a connection to a future event, indicating actions that would have been completed before that future event.
Yo | Hubiere escrito |
Tú | Hubieres escrito |
Él/Ella/Usted | Hubiere escrito |
Nosotros | Hubiéremos escrito |
Vosotros | Hubiereis escrito |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Hubieren escrito |
- Cuando lleguéis a casa, espero que ya hubiereis escrito la carta. (When you arrive home, I hope you will have already written the letter.)
- Antes de la fecha límite, ya habremos terminado y hubiéremos escrito todos los informes requeridos. (Before the deadline, we will have finished and written all the required reports.)
- Cuando te vayas de vacaciones, ojalá hubieres escrito todas las notas importantes para el trabajo. (When you go on vacation, I hope you will have written all the important notes for work.)
“Escribir” Conjugation Imperative / Imperativo
The imperative tense (el modo imperativo) is one of the verb moods used to express commands, orders, or requests. It is used to tell someone what to do or what not to do.
Affirmative / Afirmativos
Spanish affirmative refers to the use of positive statements or expressions that indicate agreement, confirmation, or positive response to a question or statement.
Yo | – |
Tú | Escribe |
Él/Ella/Usted | Escriba |
Nosotros | Escribamos |
Vosotros | Escribid |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Escriban |
- Escribe tu nombre en la parte superior de la página. (Write your name at the top of the page.)
- Escriban sus respuestas en la hoja de papel. (Write your answers on the sheet of paper.)
- Escribid un mensaje de felicitación para el cumpleaños de María. (Write a congratulatory message for Maria’s birthday.)
Negative / Negativos
Spanish negative refers to the use of negative statements or expressions that indicate negation, denial, or disagreement with a question or statement.
Yo | – |
Tú | No escribas |
Él/Ella/Usted | No escriba |
Nosotros | No escribamos |
Vosotros | No escribáis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | No escriban |
- No escribas en el libro, es una biblioteca pública. (Don’t write in the book, it’s a public library.)
- Por favor, no escriba en la pizarra blanca sin permiso. (Please don’t write on the whiteboard without permission.)
- No escriban en la mesa con marcadores permanentes. (Don’t write on the table with permanent markers.)
Don’t Miss Out On This Spanish Class!
Mastering “Escribir” is not just about writing, it’s about growing within the Spanish culture. Whether you’re just starting on your Spanish language adventure or seeking to refine your skills, knowing how to wield “Escribir” will help you navigate the linguistic landscape with confidence and fluency.
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