Diving into business and workplace vocabulary in Spanish doesn’t have to be as difficult as it appears!
Whether you’re looking for your dream career or simply want to comprehend the terminology in a professional atmosphere, having the correct vocabulary can make a big impact. This blog post will help you become more comfortable with key Spanish words, allowing you to interact professionally with greater ease and confidence.
Let’s make those daunting words into memorable sentences with a fun twist!
Essential Workplace Vocabulary
Starting with the basics is key to building a strong foundation. Here’s a list of core terms you’ll encounter in most work environments:
English | Spanish |
Employee | Empleado/Empleada |
Boss | Jefe/Jefa |
Office | Oficina |
Meeting | Reunión |
Project | Proyecto |
Schedule | Horario |
Task | Tarea |
Department | Departamento |
Vacancy | Vacante |
Example Sentences
- La oficina está en el cuarto piso del edificio. (The office is on the fourth floor of the building.)
- Mi jefe quiere que termine este proyecto antes del viernes. (My boss wants me to finish this project before Friday.)
- Estamos trabajando en un nuevo proyecto para el cliente. (We are working on a new project for the client.)
- Mi horario de trabajo es de nueve a cinco. (My work schedule is from nine to five.)
- El empleado de recepción te ayudará con la inscripción. (The receptionist will help you with registration.)
- Cada miembro del equipo tiene asignadas tareas específicas. (Each team member has specific tasks assigned.)
Communication and Meetings
Effective communication is crucial in any workplace. These terms will help you navigate meetings and discussions:
English | Spanish |
Agenda | Agenda |
Report | Informe |
Presentation | Presentación |
Collaboration | Colaboración |
Feedback | Retroalimentación |
Discussion | Discusión |
Key points | Puntos Clave |
Minutes | Minutas |
Proposal | Propuesta |
Example Sentences
- El punto número cinco en la agenda es muy importante. (Item number five on the agenda is very important.)
- Mi presentación sobre marketing digital está lista. (My presentation on digital marketing is ready.)
- Agradezco la retroalimentación constructiva que me diste. (I appreciate the constructive feedback you gave me.)
- Necesitamos entregar el informe al cliente esta semana. (We need to deliver the report to the client this week.)
- Vamos a repasar los puntos clave de la reunión antes de concluir. (Let’s review the key points of the meeting before concluding.)
Roles and Responsibilities
Understanding roles and responsibilities can help you better grasp your position and those of others:
English | Spanish |
Responsible | Responsable |
In charge | Engargado/Encargada |
Tasks | Tareas |
Functions | Funciones |
Goals | Objetivos/Metas |
Supervisor | Supervisor/Supervisora |
Team | Equipo |
Responsibility | Responsabilidad |
Example Sentences
- El equipo de marketing está trabajando en una nueva campaña. (The marketing team is working on a new campaign.)
- La responsabilidad de entregar el proyecto a tiempo es de todos. (The responsibility of delivering the project on time is everyone’s.)
- Tengo varias tareas que completar antes del final del día. (I have several tasks to complete before the end of the day.)
- Eres responsable de coordinar el evento de lanzamiento. (You are responsible for coordinating the launch event.)
- El encargado de recursos humanos no está disponible hoy. (The person in charge of human resources is not available today.)
- Las funciones del nuevo empleado incluyen atención al cliente y gestión de inventario. (The functions of the new employee include customer service and inventory management.)
Office Equipment and Supplies
Familiarity with office equipment and supplies will make your daily tasks easier:
English | Spanish |
Computer | Computadora/Ordenador |
Phone | Teléfono |
Printer | Impresora |
Supplies | Suministros |
Filing cabinet | Archivador |
Fax | Fax |
Scanner | Escáner |
Notebook | Cuaderno |
Pen | Bolígrafo/Lapicero |
Example Sentences
- Mantén un cuaderno para tomar notas durante las reuniones. (Keep a notebook to take notes during meetings.)
- La impresora está atascada; necesitamos solucionar el problema pronto. (The printer is jammed; we need to fix the problem soon.)
- Necesito que revises la computadora para asegurarte de que esté funcionando bien. (I need you to check the computer to make sure it’s working properly.)
- Por favor, contesta el teléfono si suena mientras estoy en la reunión. (Please answer the phone if it rings while I’m in the meeting.)
- Los suministros de oficina están en el armario de la esquina. (The office supplies are in the corner cupboard.)
- Los documentos importantes están guardados en el archivador. (The important documents are stored in the filing cabinet.)
- Siempre lleva un bolígrafo para firmar documentos importantes. (Always carry a pen to sign important documents.)
Workplace Etiquette
Knowing how to communicate effectively and politely can make you stand out:
English | Spanish |
Courtesy | Cordialidad |
Punctuality | Puntualidad |
Professionalism | Profesionalismo |
Respect | Respeto |
Clear communication | Comunicación clara |
Professional etiquette | Etiqueta profesional |
Confidentiality | Confidencialidad |
Conflict resolution | Resolución de conflictos |
Positive attitude | Actitud positiva |
Example Sentences
- Una actitud positiva puede mejorar el ambiente de trabajo. (A positive attitude can improve the work environment.)
- Conocer la etiqueta profesional te ayudará a integrarte mejor en el equipo. (Knowing professional etiquette will help you integrate better into the team.)
- El profesionalismo en tu presentación impresionará al cliente. (Professionalism in your presentation will impress the client.)
- Es importante que muestres puntualidad en todas tus reuniones. (It’s important that you show punctuality in all your meetings.)
- La cordialidad es clave en la atención al cliente. (Courtesy is key in customer service.)
- Siempre muestra respeto hacia tus compañeros de trabajo. (Always show respect towards your coworkers.)
- La resolución de conflictos debe ser manejada con cuidado y profesionalismo. (Conflict resolution should be handled with care and professionalism.)
Start Practicing Today!
Mastering business and workplace vocabulary in Spanish opens doors to new professional opportunities and ensures you’re well-prepared for any work situation.
By integrating these terms into your daily routine, you’ll build confidence and fluency in your Spanish-speaking work environment. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep these phrases handy and use them whenever you can.
¡Buena suerte en tu camino hacia el dominio del vocabulario laboral en español! (Good luck on your journey to mastering workplace vocabulary in Spanish!)
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