Olympic Games Vocabulary in Spanish

Top Olympic Games Vocabulary in Spanish You Need to Know

The Olympic Games vocabulary in Spanish is crucial for everyone who wants to discuss this global event in another language. The Olympics bring together athletes and spectators from all over the world to celebrate sport, competition, and unity. 

Knowing the special vocabulary connected to the Olympic Games in Spanish will help you understand and enjoy the events, whether you’re watching them on TV, reading about them in publications, or discussing them with friends. 

In this blog post, we’ll look at a range of terminology and phrases to assist you in discussing this wonderful event in Spanish.

Are you ready to start learning? Let’s go!

Olympic Games Vocabulary in Spanish

General Terms

These are key words and phrases that pertain to the overarching concept of the Olympic Games. They address the core aspects and entities that serve as the Olympics’ foundation.

English Spanish
The Olympic Games Los Juegos Olímpicos
International Olympic Committee (IOC) El Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI)
The Olympic torch La antorcha olímpica
The opening ceremony La ceremonia de apertura
The closing ceremony La ceremonia de clausura
The medal table El medallero
The Olympic Village La villa olímpica
Olympic sport El deporte olímpico
The mascot La mascota
The Olympic motto El lema olímpico
The Olympic flag La bandera olímpica

Types of Competitions

This category includes various sports and events that are part of the Olympic Games. Each sport has its own set of rules and unique appeal.

English Spanish
Athletics/Track and field El atletismo
Swimming La natación
Gymnastics La gimnasia
Basketball El baloncesto
Volleyball El voleibol
Cycling El ciclismo
Soccer/Football El fútbol
Boxing El boxeo
Judo El judo
Archery El tiro con arco
Rowing El remo
Triathlon El triatlón


People Involved

This section lists key individuals and groups participating in the Olympics. These include athletes, coaches, referees, and other important figures.

English Spanish
The athlete El atleta / La atleta
The coach El entrenador / La entrenadora
The referee El árbitro / La árbitra
The judge El juez / La jueza
The team El equipo
The captain El capitán / La capitana
The competitor El competidor / La competidora
The winner El ganador / La ganadora
The medalist El medallista
The spectator El espectador / La espectadora

Venues and Locations

These terms describe the various places and facilities associated with the Olympic Games. Knowing these will help you understand where different events take place.

English Spanish
The stadium El estadio
The field El campo
The track La pista
The swimming pool La piscina
The velodrome El velódromo
The gymnasium El gimnasio
The sports hall El pabellón
The court La cancha
The aquatic center El centro acuático

Medals and Awards

This category covers the terms related to recognizing athletes’ achievements. Understanding these words will help you discuss the outcomes of the competitions.

English Spanish
The gold medal La medalla de oro
The silver medal La medalla de plata
The bronze medal La medalla de bronce
The podium El podio
The record El récord
The victory La victoria
The trophy El trofeo
The prize/award El premio

Actions and Verbs

Common actions and verbs related to the Olympics and sports in general. These verbs are essential for describing the activities and outcomes of the competitions.

English Spanish
To compete Competir
To win Ganar
To lose Perder
To tie/draw Empatar
To train Entrenar
To qualify Clasificar
To participate Participar
To score a goal Marcar un gol
To break a record Romper un récord
To celebrate Celebrar

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the vocabulary taught above to help you see these words in context:

  1. Los Juegos Olímpicos comienzan con la ceremonia de apertura. (The Olympic Games start with the opening ceremony.)
  2. El atleta ganó la medalla de oro en la natación. (The athlete won the gold medal in swimming.)
  3. El equipo de baloncesto se está preparando en el gimnasio. (The basketball team is training in the gymnasium.)
  4. El juez revisó el récord establecido por el competidor. (The judge reviewed the record set by the competitor.)
  5. La antorcha olímpica se encenderá en el estadio durante la ceremonia de apertura. (The Olympic torch will be lit in the stadium during the opening ceremony.)
  6. El entrenador ayuda a los atletas a entrenar todos los días. (The coach helps the athletes to train every day.)
  7. La nadadora rompió el récord mundial en la piscina. (The swimmer broke the world record in the pool.)
  8. El capitán del equipo de voleibol es muy motivador. (The captain of the volleyball team is very motivating.)
  9. El árbitro decidió que el gol era válido. (The referee decided that the goal was valid.)
  10. Los espectadores aplaudieron cuando el atleta subió al podio. (The spectators cheered when the athlete stepped onto the podium.)

Final Thoughts

Learning the vocabulary related to the Olympic Games in Spanish not only improves your understanding of the event, but also your ability to converse about sports and events in a new language. 

By being acquainted with these terminology, you will be better equipped to discuss the Olympics with Spanish speakers, whether you are a die-hard fan or simply looking to broaden your linguistic horizons. 

Enjoy the games and ¡que ganen los mejores! (may the best win!)

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