Understanding and Using the Preguntar Conjugation in Spanish

Ask us about the “Preguntar” conjugation in Spanish! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about it.

“Preguntar” is the Spanish verb for “to ask, to question”. It is a regular -ar verb, which means it follows a common conjugation pattern for verbs ending in -ar.

In today’s blog post, we’ll explain all the conjugations in Spanish for this verb and provide example sentences so you can understand how to use it properly.

Are you ready? Let’s see this conjugation guide!


“Preguntar” Conjugation in Spanish Indicative / Indicativo

The indicative tense (el modo indicativo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The indicative mood is used to make factual statements, ask questions, and express opinions about actions or events that are considered real or certain.

Present Tense Preguntar Conjugation / Presente

The present tense is used to describe actions happening in the present or to express general truths or habitual actions.

Yo Pregunto
Él/Ella/Usted Pregunta
Nosotros Preguntamos
Vosotros Preguntáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntan


  1. Yo pregunto sobre el horario de clases. (I ask about the class schedule.)
  2. Tú preguntas a la maestra sobre la tarea. (You ask the teacher about the homework.)
  3. Nosotros preguntamos al vecino acerca del evento en el vecindario. (We ask the neighbor about the neighborhood event.)

Simple Past Preguntar Conjugation / Pasado 

The simple past tense (preterite) is used to describe completed actions in the past, often with specific time frames or events.

Yo Pregunté
Él/Ella/Usted Preguntó
Nosotros Preguntamos
Vosotros Preguntasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntaron


  1. Pregunté por la dirección antes de llegar al lugar. (I asked for the address before arriving at the location.)
  2. Vosotros preguntasteis por la hora del tren. (You all asked about the train’s schedule.)
  3. Ella preguntó por ti en la reunión. (She asked about you at the meeting.)

Imperfect Preguntar Conjugation / Imperfecto

Spanish imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing, repeated, or habitual actions in the past, as well as to set the stage or provide background information

Yo Preguntaba
Él/Ella/Usted Preguntaba
Nosotros Preguntábamos
Vosotros Preguntabais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntaban


  1. Nosotros preguntábamos por el menú del restaurante. (We were asking about the restaurant menu.)
  2. Tú preguntabas por la dirección de la oficina. (You were asking about the office address.)
  3. Ellos preguntaban por el precio de los boletos. (They were asking about the ticket prices.)

Present Continuous Preguntar Conjugation / Presente Continuo

The present continuous tense (also known as “estar + gerundio”) is used to describe actions that are currently happening in the present moment or to express temporary situations.

Yo Estoy preguntando
Estás preguntando
Él/Ella/Usted Está preguntando
Nosotros Estamos preguntando
Vosotros Estáis preguntando
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Están preguntando


  1. Estoy preguntando por el horario de atención. (I am asking about the opening hours.)
  2. Vosotros estáis preguntando por el camino al parque. (You all are asking for directions to the park.)
  3. Él está preguntando acerca de la disponibilidad de habitaciones. (He is asking about room availability.)

Future Tense / Futuro

The Spanish future tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future, indicating something that has not yet occurred.

Yo Preguntaré
Él/Ella/Usted Preguntará
Nosotros Preguntaremos
Vosotros Preguntaréis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntarán


  1. Preguntaré al profesor sobre la tarea mañana. (I will ask the teacher about the homework tomorrow.)
  2. Usted preguntará por el menú en el restaurante. (You will ask for the menu at the restaurant.)
  3. Nosotros preguntaremos a los vecinos sobre la reunión comunitaria. (We will ask the neighbors about the community meeting.)

Conditional Preguntar Conjugation / Condicional

The conditional tense is used to express hypothetical or speculative actions or events that would happen under certain conditions in the present or future.

Yo Preguntaría
Él/Ella/Usted Preguntaría
Nosotros Preguntaríamos
Vosotros Preguntaríais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntarían


  1. ¿Preguntarías por mí si no llego a tiempo? (Would you ask about me if I don’t arrive on time?)
  2. Nosotros preguntaríamos sobre las opciones de transporte. (We would ask about transportation options.)

Present Perfect / Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto

Spanish present perfect tense (also known as “pretérito perfecto compuesto”) is used to express actions that have occurred in the past but have a connection to the present, emphasizing the result or consequences of those actions.

Yo He preguntado
Has preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Ha preguntado
Nosotros Hemos preguntado
Vosotros Habéis preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Han preguntado


  1. ¿Has preguntado por la dirección al llegar al hotel? (Have you asked for directions upon arriving at the hotel?)
  2. ¿Habéis preguntado sobre los descuentos disponibles? (Have you all asked about the available discounts?)
  3. Ellos han preguntado por la fecha de entrega. (They have asked about the delivery date.)

Past Perfect Preguntar Conjugation / Pretérico Pluscuamperfecto

Spanish past perfect tense (also known as “pretérito pluscuamperfecto”) is used to describe actions that occurred before another past action or event, expressing a past-in-the-past relationship.

Yo Había preguntado
Has preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Ha preguntado
Nosotros Hemos preguntado
Vosotros Habéis preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Han preguntado


  1. Yo había preguntado por el menú antes de hacer la reserva. (I had asked about the menu before making the reservation.)
  2. Nosotros hemos preguntado por las políticas de la empresa. (We have asked about the company’s policies.)

Future Perfect / Futuro Perfecto

The Spanish future perfect tense is used to express actions that will have been completed in the future, indicating an action that will be finished before another specified future time or event.

Yo Habré preguntado
Habrás preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Habrá preguntado
Nosotros Habremos preguntado
Vosotros Habréis preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Habrán preguntado


  1. ¿Habrás preguntado por el precio antes de comprarlo? (Will you have asked about the price before buying it?)
  2. Vosotros habréis preguntado sobre la disponibilidad de entradas. (You all will have asked about ticket availability.)
  3. Ellos habrán preguntado por el horario de cierre. (They will have asked about the closing time.)

Conditional Perfect / Condicional Perfect

The conditional perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or speculative actions that would have been completed in the past, indicating an action that would have happened prior to another past event.

Yo Habría preguntado
Habrías preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Habría preguntado
Nosotros Habríamos preguntado
Vosotros Habríais preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Habrían preguntado


  1. ¿Habrías preguntado si no entendías las instrucciones? (Would you have asked if you didn’t understand the instructions?)
  2. Ella habría preguntado sobre la ubicación del evento. (She would have asked about the location of the event.)
  3. Ellos habrían preguntado por las razones del retraso. (They would have asked about the reasons for the delay.)

Preguntar Conjugation in Spanish

“Preguntar” Conjugation in Spanish Subjunctive / Subjuntivo

The subjunctive tense (el modo subjuntivo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, subjectivity, emotion, and hypothetical situations.


Present Tense / Presente

The Spanish subjunctive present tense is used to express subjective actions, desires, doubts, recommendations, or possibilities, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, necessity, or influence.

Yo Pregunte
Él/Ella/Usted Pregunte
Nosotros Preguntemos
Vosotros Preguntéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Pregunten


  1. Os sugiero que preguntéis al profesor si tenéis dudas. (I suggest that you all ask the teacher if you have any doubts.)
  2. Preguntemos al guía turístico sobre la historia del lugar. (Let’s ask the tour guide about the history of the place.)
  3. Es importante que pregunten antes de tomar una decisión. (It’s important that they ask before making a decision.)

Imperfect / Imperfecto

This tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, uncertainty, or unreal conditions.

Yo Preguntara
Él/Ella/Usted Preguntara
Nosotros Preguntaramos
Vosotros Preguntarais 
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Preguntaran


  1. Si tuviera la oportunidad, yo preguntara sobre sus experiencias. (If I had the chance, I would ask about their experiences.)
  2. En tu lugar, tú preguntaras por el procedimiento. (If you were in your position, you would ask about the procedure.)
  3. Sería útil que ustedes preguntaran a los expertos en el tema. (It would be helpful if you all asked the experts on the subject.)

Present Perfect / Pretérito Perfecto

Spanish subjunctive present perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the present with a connection to the past, indicating actions that would have been completed prior to the present moment.

Yo Haya preguntado
Hayas preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Haya preguntado
Nosotros Hayamos preguntado
Vosotros Hayáis preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Hayan preguntado


  1. Asegurémonos de que hayamos preguntado a todos los participantes. (Let’s make sure that we have asked all the participants.)
  2. Espero que hayas preguntado sobre los requisitos antes de solicitar el trabajo. (I hope you have asked about the requirements before applying for the job.)

Past Perfect / Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

Spanish subjunctive past perfect tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past with a connection to a previous past event, indicating actions that would have been completed before that past event.

Yo Hubiera preguntado
Hubieras preguntado
Él/Ella/Usted Hubiera preguntado
Nosotros Hubiéramos preguntado
Vosotros Hubierais preguntado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Hubieran preguntado


  1. Si él hubiera tenido más tiempo, él hubiera preguntado por más detalles. (If he had had more time, he would have asked for more details.)
  2. Hubierais preguntado si hubierais sabido que la información era importante. (You all would have asked if you had known that the information was important.)

“Preguntar” Conjugation in Spanish Imperative / Imperativo

The imperative tense (el modo imperativo) is one of the verb moods used to express commands, orders, or requests. It is used to tell someone what to do or what not to do.

Affirmative / Afirmativos

Spanish affirmative refers to the use of positive statements or expressions that indicate agreement, confirmation, or positive response to a question or statement.

Él/Ella/Usted Pregunte
Nosotros Preguntemos
Vosotros Preguntad
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Pregunten


  1. Pregunta al profesor si tienes alguna duda. (Ask the teacher if you have any questions.)
  2. Preguntad a los vecinos sobre el evento en el barrio. (Ask the neighbors about the event in the neighborhood.)
  3. Preguntemos al jefe si podemos tener un día libre. (Let’s ask the boss if we can have a day off.)

Negative / Negativos

Spanish negative refers to the use of negative statements or expressions that indicate negation, denial, or disagreement with a question or statement.

No preguntes
Él/Ella/Usted No pregunte
Nosotros No preguntemos
Vosotros No preguntéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes No pregunten


  1. No preguntes sobre eso, es un tema delicado. (Don’t ask about that, it’s a sensitive topic.)
  2. No pregunten a la maestra hasta que termine la explicación. (Don’t ask the teacher until she finishes the explanation.)
  3. Por favor, no pregunte acerca de mis planes personales. (Please don’t ask about my personal plans.)

Keep Practicing Your Spanish!

Good job! Now you know how to properly use the “Preguntar” conjugation in Spanish! 

Learning the conjugation of “Preguntar” improves our ability to communicate effectively and allows us to immerse ourselves more deeply in the rich and diverse Spanish-speaking cultures. 

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