
The 8 Italian Question Words

Are you learning Italian and want to master the art of asking questions? Look no further than the power of open question words!

As you embark on your language learning journey, it’s essential to understand the significance of open question words. These words are a critical component of any language, allowing us to expand our knowledge and gain insight into the world around us. Unlike yes-no questions, which limit the range of responses, question words offer limitless possibilities for exploration.

If you’re studying Italian, mastering the use of open question words is key to achieving fluency. Fortunately, most of these question words have an exact English equivalent, making it easier to learn and understand. So let’s dive into the many different ways you can ask open-ended questions in Italian and expand your language skills today!

What are question words?

Question words are crucial for gathering information and communicating effectively. In English the most common question words are: What, When, Where, How, Who, Which, Why, How much and How many. Whether you’re asking for directions, ordering food, or simply getting to know someone, understanding and using question words will help you navigate any situation with ease.

List of the 8 most important Italian question words:

  • Che Cosa (What)
  • Quando (When)
  • Dove (Where)
  • Come (How)
  • Chi (Who)
  • Quale (Which)
  • Perché (Why)
  • Quanto (How Much/How Many)

1. What? – Che Cosa?

When it comes to expressing “What” in Italian, the most formal and appropriate term is “che cosa“.


  • Che cosa fai? = What are you doing?
  • Che cosa mangi? = What are you eating?
  • Che cosa vuoi? = What do you want?
  • Che cosa studi? = What are you studying?
  • Che cosa hai detto? = What did you say?
  • Che cosa ti piace fare nel tempo libero? = What do you like to do in your free time?

2. When? – Quando?

This word can appear at the beginning of a sentence on its own or be preceded by a preposition such as “da” (from) or “entro” (by, within). When used with “da,” “quando” can be translated as “how long” or “since when” in English.


  • Quando arrivi? = When are you arriving?
  • Quando parte il treno? = When does the train depart?
  • Quando finisci il lavoro? = When do you finish work?
  • Quando hai tempo per vederti? = When do you have time to meet?
  • Quando hai deciso di partire? = When did you decide to leave?
  • Quando ti sposi? = When are you getting married?

One major difference between how English speakers use the word “when” and how Italians use it is when inquiring about specific times. Unlike in English where “when” is typically used, in Italian, the phrase “A che ora?” (What time?) is more commonly used to provide greater specificity when asking about the time of an event or when someone is doing something.

3. Where? – Dove?

In Italian, to ask about location or destination, you can use the word “dove” (where).


  • Dove sei? = Where are you?
  • Dove vai? = Where are you going?
  • Dove abiti? = Where do you live?
  • Dove lavori? = Where do you work?
  • Dove hai messo le chiavi? = Where did you put the keys?
  • Dove si trova la stazione? = Where is the station located?

4. How? – Come?

In Italian, “come” is used to ask about the state or condition of someone or something, or the way in which something is done.


  • Come stai? = How are you?
  • Come ti chiami? = What’s your name?
  • Come va? = How’s it going?
  • Come si fa questo? = How do you do this?
  • Come si scrive? = How do you write it?
  • Come si dice in italiano? = How do you say it in Italian?

5. Who? – Chi?

The Italian word “chi” can mean different things depending on the context, such as “who,” “whom,” or “whose.”


  • Chi sei? = Who are you?
  • Chi ha chiamato? = Who called?
  • Con chi sei andato al cinema? = Who did you go to the movies with?
  • Chi c’è in casa? = Who’s in the house?
  • A chi parli? = Who are you talking to?
  • Di chi è questo libro? = Whose book is this?

When “chi” is used to express “whom,” it can replace the object and be accompanied by a preposition like “per,” “con,” and others.

6.Which? – Quale?

“Quale” or “which” can be used in the singular (quale) or plural form (quali).


  • Quale preferisci, il rosso o il blu? = Which do you prefer, red or blue?
  • Quale è il tuo libro preferito? = What is your favorite book?
  • Quale autobus devo prendere per andare in centro? = Which bus should I take to go downtown?
  • Quale è il miglior ristorante della città? = Which is the best restaurant in town?
  • Quale è il tuo indirizzo email? = What is your email address?
  • Quale è la tua canzone preferita? = What is your favorite song?

7. Why? – Perché?

The word “perché” serves as a question word for “why.” An alternative to “perché” is the expression “per quale motivo,” which translates to “for what reason” in English. Additionally, “perché” is commonly used in the phrase “perché no,” which means “why not.”


  • Perché non sei venuto alla festa? (Why didn’t you come to the party?)
  • Perché hai bisogno di soldi? (Why do you need money?)
  • Perché stai piangendo? (Why are you crying?)
  • Perché hai scelto questa università? (Why did you choose this university?)
  • Perché non parli italiano? (Why don’t you speak Italian?)
  • Perché no provare questo ristorante? (Why not try this restaurant?)

8. How much?/How many? – Quanto?

On this list of question words, only quanto has different forms for gender and number. Quanto is used for singular masculine nouns, while quanta is used for singular feminine nouns. On the other hand, quanti is used for plural masculine nouns, while quante is used for plural feminine nouns. Quanto is typically used for uncountable objects, while quanti and quante are used for countable objects.


  • Quanta pasta vuoi mangiare? (How much pasta do you want to eat?)
  • Quanti libri hai letto quest’anno? (How many books have you read this year?)
  • Quanta acqua serve per questa ricetta? (How much water is needed for this recipe?)
  • Quanti figli hai? (How many children do you have?)
  • Quante ore dormi di solito? (How many hours do you usually sleep?)
  • Quanti amici hai invitato alla festa? (How many friends did you invite to the party?)

Ask questions in Italian!

With this comprehensive list of question words in Italian, you’re now ready to make use of them.

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