Are you a beginner looking to learn Italian verbs? You’ve come to the right place! Here is a master list with 150 of the most common Italian verbs, for you to memorize and start using right away. We’ve included example sentences, so you can see how to use them properly. Want to know what level your Italian is? Take our Free Italian level test.
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The 150 Most Common Italian Verbs
Frequency Number | Italian | In English |
1 | Essere | To be |
2 | Avere | To have |
3 | Fare | To do |
4 | Andare | To go |
5 | Potere | To be able to |
6 | Dare | To give |
7 | Volere | To want |
8 | Venire | To come |
9 | Dovere | To have to |
10 | Stare | To stay/ to remain/ to be |
11 | Dire | To say |
12 | Sapere | To know |
13 | Vedere | To see |
14 | Mangiare | To eat |
15 | Parlare | To speak |
16 | Uscire | To go out |
17 | Prendere | To take |
18 | Piacere | To like |
19 | Leggere | To read |
20 | Amare | To love |
21 | Bere | To drink |
22 | Finire | To finish |
23 | Capire | To understand |
24 | Arrivare | to arrive |
25 | Scrivere | To write |
26 | Partire | To leave |
27 | Mettere | To put |
28 | Rimanere | To remain |
29 | Dormire | To sleep |
30 | Vivere | To live |
31 | Conoscere | To know – in the sense of being acquainted with or familiar with something or someone |
32 | Sentire | To hear |
33 | Cucinare | To cook |
34 | Studiare | To study |
35 | Giocare | To play |
36 | Chiedere | To ask |
37 | Trovare | To find |
38 | Credere | To believe |
39 | Aprire | To open |
40 | Lavorare | To work |
41 | Pensare | To think |
42 | Correre | To run |
43 | Tenere | To hold |
44 | Guardare | To watch |
45 | Chiamare | To call |
46 | Tornare | To return |
47 | Salire | To go up |
48 | Preferire | To prefer |
49 | Morire | To die |
50 | Aspettare | To wait |
51 | Comprare | To buy |
52 | Nascere | To be born |
53 | Cercare | To look for |
54 | Perdere | To loose |
55 | Cantare | To sing |
56 | Passare | To pass |
57 | Cominciare | To begin |
58 | Ascoltare | To listen to |
59 | Riuscire | To be able to |
60 | Decidere | To decide |
61 | Abitare | To inhabit |
62 | Cadere | To fall |
63 | Chiudere | To close |
64 | Lasciare | To leave |
65 | Scegliere | To choose |
66 | Portare | To bring |
67 | Ricevere | To receive |
68 | Lavare | To clean |
69 | Rispondere | To respond |
70 | Sedere | To sit |
71 | Vincere | To win |
72 | Pagare | To pay |
73 | Alzare | To get up |
74 | Ridere | To laugh |
75 | Scendere | To descend |
76 | Incontrare | To encounter |
77 | Offrire | To offer |
78 | Imparare | To learn |
79 | Dimenticare | To forget |
80 | Svegliare | To wake up |
81 | Crescere | To grow |
82 | Vendere | To sell |
Divertire | To amuse | |
84 | Diventare | To become |
85 | Porre | To place |
86 | Entrare | To enter |
87 | Temere | To fear |
88 | Pulire | To clean |
89 | Vestire | To dress |
90 | Seguire | To follow |
91 | Restare | To stay |
92 | Cambiare | To change |
93 | Viaggiare | To travel |
94 | Spegnere | To turn off |
95 | Ricordare | To remember |
96 | Apparire | To appear |
97 | Aiutare | To help |
98 | Tacere | To be silent |
99 | Spedire | To send |
100 | Preparare | To prepare |
101 | Consentire | To consent |
102 | Infastidire | To annoy |
103 | Discutere | To argue |
104 | Tentare | To tempt |
105 | Attirare | To attract |
106 | Appartenere | To belong |
107 | Acquistare | To purchase |
108 | Catturare | To capture |
109 | Festeggiare | To celebrate |
110 | Confrontare | To confront |
111 | Sognare | To dream |
112 | Guadagnare | To earn |
113 | Volare | To fly |
114 | Salutare | To greet |
115 | Appendere | To hang |
116 | Sperare | To hope |
117 | Informare | To inform |
118 | Presentare | To present |
119 | Saltare | To jump |
120 | Invitare | To invite |
121 | Baciare | To kiss |
122 | Mancare | To miss |
123 | Mentire | To lie |
124 | Sposare | To marry |
125 | Traslocare | To move |
126 | Bisognare | To need |
127 | Pingere | To paint |
128 | Vietare | To forbid |
129 | Tirare | To throw/ to pull |
130 | Calcolare | To calculate |
131 | Affittare | To rent |
132 | Riparare | To fix |
133 | Condividere | To share |
134 | Gridare | To yell |
135 | Mostrare | To display |
136 | Spendere | To spend |
137 | Sorridere | To smile |
138 | Fumare | To smoke |
139 | Assaggiare | To taste |
140 | Lanciare | To launch |
141 | Nuotare | To swim |
142 | Indossare | To wear |
143 | Augurare | To express good wishes |
144 | Ringraziare | To thank |
145 | Ballare | To dance |
146 | Camminare | To walk |
147 | Aggiungere | To add |
148 | Annoiare | To bore |
149 | Abbassare | To lower |
150 | Adorare | To adore |
Learn Italian Verbs!
Congrats! Now you know 150 of the most common Italian verbs and how to use them.
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