Olympic glossary in French

Olympic Glossary in French: Your Guide to Key Terms

Welcome to your ultimate guide to the “Olympic Glossary in French”! 

Whether you’re thrilled about the Paris 2024 Olympics or simply want to learn some French terminology related to the Games, our blog post is here to help. We’ll go over key French phrases and vocabulary that will not only improve your language abilities but also help you feel more connected to this worldwide athletic event. 

Are you ready to explore? Let’s get started.

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Basic Olympic Terms

Les Jeux Olympiques

This word translates to “The Olympic Games” in French. It is a great event that brings together athletes from all over the world to compete in a variety of sports. The title “Olympiques” refers to the Games’ ancient Greek beginnings, providing a link to Olympic history.

Le Comité International Olympique (CIO)

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), also known as “Le Comité International Olympique,” is the institution in charge of organizing and planning the Olympics. The CIO, founded by Pierre de Coubertin in 1894, guarantees that the Games adhere to the Olympic Charter and run efficiently.

La Flamme Olympique

“The Olympic Flame” is the Games’ famous symbol. This flame is lighted at Olympia, Greece, and carried by torchbearers in a relay to the host city in preparation for the opening ceremony. The flame embodies the essence of the Olympics, representing peace and unity.

La Médaille d’Or, d’Argent, et de Bronze

These are “Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals” in French. The gold medal is awarded to the first-place finisher, silver to the second, and bronze to the third. Winning a medal is the ultimate goal for many athletes competing in the Games.

Le Podium

“The Podium” is where medalists stand to receive their awards. It’s a place of honor and recognition, marking the highest achievement in their respective events. The term “podium” itself has become synonymous with success in sports.

La Charte Olympique

The “Olympic Charter” is the document that rules the Olympics. It provides the ideas, rules, and regulations that will ensure the Games are run fairly and ethically.

Le Drapeau Olympique

“The Olympic Flag” features five interlocking rings representing the continents of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The flag symbolizes the global unity of the Olympic Movement.

Le Village Olympique

“The Olympic Village” is where athletes reside during the Games. It’s designed to foster international camaraderie and provide athletes with the amenities and support they need to perform at their best.

Les Disciplines Olympiques

“Olympic Disciplines” are the various sports featured in the Games. This includes a wide range of activities, such as “l’athlétisme” (athletics), “la natation” (swimming), “le football” (soccer), “la gymnastique” (gymnastics), and “le ski alpin” (alpine skiing). Each sport has its own set of rules and challenges.

Les Épreuves

“Les Épreuves” translates to “Events” in English. Each sport is divided into various events, such as the 100 meters sprint or the high jump in athletics. These events are where athletes showcase their skills and compete for medals.

La Sélection Nationale

“The National Team” is “La Sélection Nationale” in French. It refers to the team of athletes chosen to represent their country in the Olympics. Being selected is a significant honor and a testament to an athlete’s skill and dedication.


In French, “L’Excellence” translates to “Excellence.” It is a basic Olympic value that emphasizes the pursuit of the highest standards in both sport and human conduct. Athletes are urged to pursue greatness in all aspects of their performance.

L’Esprit Olympique

“The Olympic Spirit” embodies the ideals of respect, perseverance, and sportsmanship. It’s the overall attitude that drives the Games, encouraging athletes and spectators to embrace the values of the Olympics.

Les Arbitres et les Juges

“Les Arbitres et les Juges” are “Referees and Judges.” They play a crucial role in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to the rules. Their decisions are vital for the smooth running of events.

Le Record Olympique

“The Olympic Record” refers to the best performance ever achieved in a specific event during the Games. Setting or breaking a record is a major accomplishment and adds to the excitement of the Olympics.

La Cérémonie d’Ouverture et de Clôture

The “Opening and Closing Ceremonies” are “La Cérémonie d’Ouverture” and “La Cérémonie de Clôture.” These grand events mark the beginning and end of the Games, featuring elaborate performances and a parade of athletes.

Olympic glossary in French

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List Of Olympic Sports

  • Tir à l’arc = Archery
  • Gymnastique artistique = Artistic gymnastic
  • Natation artistique = Artistic swimming
  • Athlétisme = Athletics
  • Badminton = Badminton
  • Basketball (basket) = Basketball
  • Volleyball de plage = Beach volleyball
  • Boxe = Boxing
  • Canoë slalom = Canoe slalom
  • Canoë sprint = Canoe sprint
  • Cyclisme BMX Freestyle = Cycling BMX Freestyle
  • Cyclisme BMX Racing = Cycling BMX Racing
  • Cyclisme VTT = Cycling Mountain Bike
  • Cyclisme sur route = Cycling road
  • Cyclisme sur piste = Cycling track
  • Plongeon = Diving
  • Sports équestres (équitation) = Equestrian
  • Escrime = Fencing
  • Football (foot) = Football
  • Golf = Golf
  • Handball (hand) = Handball
  • Hockey = Hockey
  • Judo = Judo
  • Natation marathon (natation en eau libre) = Marathon swimming
  • Pentathlon moderne = Modern pentathlon
  • Gymnastique rythmique = Rythmic gymnastics
  • Aviron = Rowing
  • Rugby à 7 = Rugby sevens
  • Voile = Sailing
  • Tir sportif = Shooting
  • Escalade sportive = Sport climbing
  • Surf = Surfing
  • Natation = Swimming
  • Tennis de table = Table tennis
  • Triathlon = Triathlon
  • Volleyball (volley) = Volleyball
  • Water-polo = Water polo
  • Haltérophilie = Weightlifting
  • Lutte = Wrestling

Practice French With The Olympic Games!

And there you have it—a detailed look at the “Olympic Glossary in French”! 

By studying these key terms, you will not only expand your French vocabulary but also get a greater respect for the Olympic Games. Whether you’re watching the sports, following the athletes, or simply curious about Olympic culture, understanding these French phrases can enhance your experience. 

So, while you watch the Paris 2024 Olympics or discuss them with friends, you’ll have a firm understanding of the main terms and phrases. Best wishes for the Olympic games!

Want to learn more French vocabulary? Our expert staff will get in touch within 24 hours, and you can start practicing your French right away. Or sign up for a group class (online or in person)!



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