Pashto Dialect Coach Los Angeles – Avoid a “Homeland” situation

Looking for a Pashto Dialect Coach in Los Angeles? You’ve found the right place.

Strømmen has worked on many film and TV shows over the years and our experience with authentic Afghan languages and dialects cannot be ignored. We know the best Pashto dialect coach for your needs and can help you to avoid the pitfalls we have already encountered in our years of experience vetting professionals.  As both a translation agency and dialect coach agency we have all the tools and experience to help your production achieve an authentic representation of any Afghan region – all at an affordable price. See why our clients always come back (for other language as well) – there is a new name in town for on-set language services. Take a look at our partial resume if you are curious about our past work. Additionally, our company donated over $40,000 of translations to assist Afghans seeking refugee status in 2021.

Afghan Pashto / Dari On Set Services:

We work with the following departments and provide the following services:

  • Art Dept: You may have heard of the unfortunate situation that occurred on the set of Homeland. Their Art dept hired graffiti artists to paint messages in Pashto and they ended up airing footage that showed text saying “Homeland is Rascist.” Per the BBC: “Artists hired by the makers of the US show Homeland to write graffiti on one of its sets in Berlin say they wrote messages criticizing the show’s alleged stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. The artists wrote graffiti reading “Homeland is racist” and “Homeland is rubbish”, among others. They say they were asked to write the graffiti in June to “lend authenticity” to a set depicting a refugee camp. The episode featuring the set in question aired on 11 October in the US.” With our help your ART dept will not have a similar issue.
  • Script Translation: We work with the very best translators to ensure your script is well written, accurately translated and ready for a great performance.
  • Mp3 recording: We typically also supply MP3 recordings for actors to use before meeting with a dialect coach to give actors amole time to ace their performance.
  • On-set Pashto / Dari dialect coaching: We represent the most qualified and trustworthy Afghan dialect coaches and professional translators in Los Angeles.
  • Releases: To avoid and problems that make it past our translators and dialect coaches we have 3rd party interpreters and translators that will approve the final product and make sure that there are no curses or statements that can create huge headaches if they are aired.

Contact us at 323-638-9787 for more information (this number also receives texts).



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