"Se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter"

“Se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter” Meaning in English

What does it mean when somebody says ” Se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter” ? 

This French idiom translates directly as “To think oneself sprung from Jupiter’s thigh.”

Like many idioms, the literal translation gives little information about the true meaning of this expression.

In English one would say “Think of oneself as God’s gift to the world”, or ” Think the world revolves around oneself .”


Examples of “Se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter”:

“Tu ne te crois plus sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter, là.”

“It’s not like I’m looking at God’s gift here.”

“Il se croit sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter.” 

“Listen to God’s gift to woman.”

“Elle se croit sortie de la cuisse de Jupiter, celle-là.”

“That girl thinks she’s God’s gift to mankind.”

For more examples visit:

What is an idiomatic expression anyway?
It is a phrase that, when translated directly, doesn’t make sense in another language. For example “A dime a dozen.” Translated into another language directly that would make no sense. This example is used to communicate when something is very common and not hard to come by.  Every language has idiomatic expressions, and some may argue that these are the expressions that REALLY make the language unique. Just memorizing vocabulary will not help you to learn these, you need to learn all of the idiomatic expressions.
For more idiomatic expressions and their meaning. Check out our blog!





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