
Master the classic Italian verb “Mangiare”

Hungry to learn more about Italian verbs? Get ready and prepare yourselves: thoroughly exploring the conjugation of “Mangiare” is a vital milestone on the path to attaining fluency in the Italian language! Our detailed guide includes explanations of each mangiare conjugation as well as examples of each conjugation.  This fun irregular verb ca be found at position #14 on our 150 most commonly used verbs in Italian list .

The verb “mangiare” is one of the most common and valuable verbs in the Italian language. This verb is classified as a regular verb of the first conjugation, which means it adheres to the standard -are verb ending pattern. As it’s a transitive verb, it often requires a direct object to complete its meaning.



“Mangiare” Conjugation Indicative / Indicativo

The indicative tense (il modo indicativo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The indicative mood is used to make factual statements, ask questions, and express opinions about actions or events that are considered real or certain.

Present Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Presente

The present tense is used to describe actions happening in the present or to express general truths or habitual actions.

Io  Mangio
Tu  Mangi
Lui Mangia
Noi  Mangiamo
Voi  Mangiate
Loro Mangiano


  1. Mangio una mela ogni mattina. (I eat an apple every morning.)
  2. Noi mangiamo la pizza il venerdì sera. (We eat pizza on Friday nights.)
  3. Voi mangiate un gelato in spiaggia. (You all eat an ice cream on the beach.)

Imperfect Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Imperfetto

Italian imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing, repeated, or habitual actions in the past, as well as to set the stage or provide background information.

Io  Mangiavo
Tu  Mangiavi
Lui Mangiava
Noi  Mangiavamo
Voi  Mangiavate
Loro Mangiavano


  1. Mangiavo sempre la pasta a pranzo. (I always used to eat pasta for lunch.)
  2. Voi mangiavate sempre in quel ristorante. (You all used to always eat in that restaurant.)
  3. Mangiavi la frutta ogni giorno? (You used to eat fruit every day?)

​​Past Simple Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Passato Remoto

The simple past tense in Italian, often employed to recount past actions or events completed within a particular time frame, isn’t regularly used in casual conversation. Its usage can come across as formal or even literary to many native Italian speakers. The present perfect tense, on the other hand, is frequently used and favored as it is more fitting for everyday communication.

Io  Mangiai
Tu  Mangiasti
Lui Mangiò
Noi  Mangiammo
Voi  Mangiaste
Loro Mangiarono


  1. Una volta mangiai una pizza intera da solo. (One time I ate an entire pizza by myself.)
  2. Nel 2006 mi ricordo che mangiammo a casa di nonna la domenica. (In 2006,I remember that we ate at grandma’s house on Sunday.)
  3. Ti ricordi quando Marco e Tommaso mangiarono le caramelle nascoste? (Do you remember when Marco and Tommaso ate the hidden candies?)

Present Perfect Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Passato Prossimo

Italian present perfect tense (also known as “Passato Prossimo”) is used to express actions that have occurred in the past but have a connection to the present, emphasizing the result or consequences of those actions.

Io  Ho mangiato
Tu  Hai mangiato
Lui Ha mangiato
Noi  Abbiamo mangiato
Voi  Avete mangiato
Loro Hanno mangiato


  1. Ho mangiato un panino per pranzo. (I ate a sandwich for lunch.)
  2. Hai mangiato troppo gelato oggi. (You have eaten too much ice cream today.)
  3. Avete mangiato la torta che avevo preparato per domani! (You all have eaten the cake I had prepared for tomorrow!)

Past Perfect Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Trapassato Prossimo

In Italian, the trapassato prossimo (also known as “Past Perfect”) is used to convey a past action that is completed and precedes another action in the past. It is formed by combining the imperfetto of the auxiliary verbs “avere” or “essere” with the past participle of the main verb.

Io  Avevo mangiato
Tu  Avevi mangiato
Lui Aveva mangiato
Noi  Avevamo mangiato
Voi  Avevate mangiato
Loro Avevano mangiato


  1. A Parigi avevo mangiato una baguette buonissima! (In Paris I had eaten a very good baguette!)
  2. Ti ricordi quando avevi mangiato quella zuppa strana? (Do you remember when you have eaten that strange soup?)
  3. Vi ricordate quando Lucia e Simona avevano mangiato tutte le caramelle prima della cena? (Do you all remember when Lucia and Simona had eaten all the candies before dinner?)

 Preterite Perfect Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Trapassato Remoto

The trapassato remoto is a tense primarily employed in literature to depict events that occurred shortly before the action described by the passato remoto, which took place a long time ago. It is formed by combining the passato remoto of the auxiliary verbs “avere” or “essere” with the past participle of the main verb.

Io  Ebbi mangiato
Tu  Avesti mangiato
Lui Ebbe mangiato
Noi  Avemmo mangiato
Voi  Aveste mangiato
Loro Ebbero mangiato

Future Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Futuro Semplice

The Italian future tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future, indicating something that has not yet occurred.

Io  Mangerò
Tu  Mangerai
Lui Mangerà
Noi  Mangeremo
Voi  Mangerete
Loro Mangeranno


  1. Io e Sara mangeremo al ristorante stasera. (Sara and I will eat at the restaurant tonight.)
  2. Non mangiate troppo adesso perché dopo mangerete il gelato dopo la cena. (“Don’t eat too much now, because later you all will eat ice cream after dinner.)
  3. Elena mangerà con noi domani. (Elena will eat with us tomorrow.)

Future Perfect Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Futuro Anteriore

The futuro anteriore tense is utilized to describe an action that will have already been completed prior to another action taking place in the future. It is also utilized to express doubts, and uncertainties.

Io  Avrò mangiato
Tu  Avrai mangiato
Lui Avrà mangiato
Noi  Avremo mangiato
Voi  Avrete mangiato
Loro Avranno mangiato


  1. Non ti preoccupare che di sicuro avranno mangiato prima di partire. (Don’t worry, they will certainly have eaten before leaving.)
  2. Sono sicura che avranno mangiato tutte le mele entro domani. (I am sure that they will have eaten all the apples by tomorrow.)
  3. Avrò mangiato prima che tu arrivi. (I will have eaten before you arrive.)

Conditional Mangiare Conjugation / Condizionale

The conditional tense is used to express hypothetical or speculative actions or events that would happen under certain conditions in the present or future.

Present Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Presente

Io  Mangerei
Tu  Mangeresti
Lui Mangerebbe
Noi  Mangeremmo
Voi  Mangereste
Loro Mangerebbero


  1. Mangeresti al bar sotto casa? (Would you eat at the bar downstairs?)
  2. Ho cosi tanta fame che mi mangerei una pizza intera. (I’m so hungry that I could eat an entire pizza.)
  3. Elena mangerebbe la torta se non fosse al cioccolato? (Elena would eat the cake if it weren’t chocolate?)

Past Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Passato

Io  Avrei mangiato
Tu  Avresti mangiato
Lui Avrebbe mangiato
Noi  Avremmo mangiato
Voi  Avreste mangiato
Loro  Avrebbero mangiato


  1. Avrei mangiato la pizza, ma non avevo fame. (I would have eaten the pizza, but I wasn’t hungry.)
  2. I bambini avrebbero mangiato più frutta se fosse stata più matura. (The kids would have eaten more fruit if it had been more ripe.)
  3. Chiara avrebbe mangiato con noi, ma aveva già altri piani. (Chiara would have eaten with us, but she already had other plans.)

Subjunctive Tense Mangiare Conjugation / Congiuntivo

The subjunctive tense (Congiuntivo) is one of the three grammatical moods used to express different attitudes or purposes in speech. The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, subjectivity, emotion, and hypothetical situations.


Present Tense / Presente

The subjunctive present tense is used to express subjective actions, desires, doubts, recommendations, or possibilities, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, necessity, or influence.

Io  Mangi
Tu  Mangi
Lui Mangi
Noi  Mangiamo
Voi  Mangiate
Loro Mangino


  1. Mangi con noi stasera? (Are you eating with us tonight?)
  2. È importante che loro mangino cibi sani. (It’s important that they eat healthy foods.)
  3. Lo sai che ogni domenica mangiamo tutti insieme? (Do you know that every Sunday we all eat together?)

Imperfect Tense/ Imperfetto

This tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past, often introduced by certain triggers such as expressions of doubt, uncertainty, or unreal conditions.

Io  Mangiassi
Tu  Mangiassi
Lui Mangiasse
Noi  Mangiassimo
Voi  Mangiaste
Loro Mangiassero


  1. Vorrei che tu mangiassi più verdure. (I wish you would eat more vegetables)
  2. Pensavo che mangiasse solo cibo vegano. (I thought that he/she only ate vegan food)
  3. Non ero sicura se mangiassero la pizza bianca o la pizza rossa. (I wasn’t sure if they ate white pizza or red pizza)

Perfect Tense / Passato

The past tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past.

Io  Abbia mangiato
Tu  Abbia mangiato
Lui Abbia mangiato
Noi  Abbiamo mangiato
Voi  Abbiate mangiato
Loro Abbiano mangiato


  1. Non penso che loro abbiano già mangiato. (I don’t think that they have already eaten.)
  2. Credo che abbiamo mangiato abbastanza. (I believe that we have eaten enough.)
  3. Penso che Laura abbia già mangiato. (I think that Laura has already eaten.)

 Pluperfect Tense / Trapassato 

This tense is used to express hypothetical or unreal actions, desires, doubts, or recommendations in the past with a connection to a previous past event, indicating actions that would have been completed before that past event.

Io  Avessi mangiato
Tu  Avessi mangiato
Lui Avesse mangiato
Noi  Avessimo mangiato
Voi  Aveste mangiato
Loro Avessero mangiato


  1. Era meglio se avessimo mangiato a casa. (It would have been better if we had eaten at home.)
  2. Speravo che avessero mangiato prima di partire. (I hoped that they had eaten before leaving.)
  3. La maestra non era certa che tu avessi mangiato tutto il pranzo. (The teacher wasn’t sure that you had eaten all the lunch.)

Are you ready to take your Italian to the next level? 

Mastering the conjugation and use of “mangiare” in Italian will help you express yourself accurately and effectively in various situations. Now that you know all about the “mangiare” conjugation in Italian, you can advance your Italian level.

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