Best accent reduction textbooks
Strømmen has the very best language teachers and tutors, over the last 15 years we have used our experience to select the very best accent reduction text books. These textbooks can be used with your Strømmen teacher, or used for self study. Our accent reduction teachers use many approaches.
Table of Contents
American Accent Training with 5 Audio CDs 3rd Revised & Enlarged Edition
This new and expanded third edition of American Accent Training with 5 new audio CDs has four all-new chapters that cover the psychology of accent acquisition, American voice quality, a pronunciation overview, and an ESL instructor’s guide. The new CDs feature professional male and female voices that have been carefully selected to represent that perfect American accent. With 30 years of extensive research, the unique AAT methodology has been refined to teach the American sound quickly and easily, paying special attention to:
- Voice quality, with emphasis on accurate presentation of the authentic American sound
- Pronunciation, with attention to all vowels, consonants, blends, and diphthongs
- Intonation, which focuses on syllable stress rules and word stress in a sentence
- Linking, or liaisons between phonetically transcribed sounds so students can “see” the sound
American Accent Training also offers detailed nationality guides for ten languages and accent variations: Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and the US Southern accent. Added features include access to comprehensive websites, and referral to a qualified telephone analyst for individual help. American Accent Training has been Americanizing the speaking habits of students and business people since 1991. Going where no accent book has gone before, AAT continues to set the standard for anyone learning or teaching the American accent.
Perfecting Your English Pronunciation
Developed by acclaimed speech consultant and accent specialist Susan Cameron, Perfecting Your English Pronunciation features her successful method, which focuses on the anatomical placement of sound and on the musculature used in articulation. Where other accent reduction/English pronunciation products rely on solely mimicking of audio sounds, this work focuses visually, audibly, and narratively on the physical ability to speak English, noting that many sounds of English may be difficult for you because some tongue positions used in English may not be used in your native language.