ASL Textbooks

Best ASL textbooks

Strømmen has the very best language teachers and tutors, over the last 15 years we have used our experience to select the very best ASL text books. These textbooks can be used with your Strømmen ASL teacher, or used for self study. Our ASL teachers use many approaches.


Table of Contents

There are obvious problems with writing a text for a visual gestural language. This text attempts to alleviate some of these problems by using illustrations and scripts for signed sequences. The text is composed of 22 lessons each of which contains two to four basic explanations of the language structures to be learned. As a resource for the student, a drill or exercises follows. Spaced at intervals throughout the text are several short dialogues which review the language structures discussed in the preceding lessons.

Signing Naturally: Student Workbook, Units 1-6 (Book & DVDs) Student, Workbook Edition